
Smart Supermarkets

  Smart Supermarkets This report envisions “The  Smart Supermarket ,” a hypothetical  supermarket  that uses real-world solutions from around the globe to map out how consumers could engage with a “ smart  packaging” store.

Personalized Nutrition

  Personalized Nutrition Personalized nutrition  is the concept of adapting food to individual needs. While it has become apparent that consumers respond differently to  diet , depending on their genetic makeup, lifestyle and environment, the related knowledge and understanding remain fragmented.

Beverage Innovation

  Beverage Innovation Subbing  Cannabis Sustainability Alternatives to Alcohol Personalization and Customization

Food Waste

  Food Waste Food waste or food loss is food that is not eaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous and occur throughout the food system, during production, processing, distribution, retail and consumption. Global food loss and waste amount to between one-third and one-half of all food produced. Food waste will either be signed-posted for human use, animal use, composting or used to make energy.

HFSS Food Regulation - high fat, sugar, and/or salt content

  HFSS Food Regulation - high fat, sugar, and/or salt content HFSS refers to food and drink products that are high in (saturated) fat, salt or sugar according to the Department of Health’s Nutrient Profiling Model. Foods that score 4 or more, and drinks 1 or more, are classed as HFSS. Bottom to Top effort to make people healthy by reducing from product or taxing the product.

Sustainable Packaging

  Sustainable Packaging Sustainable packaging is the development and use of packaging which results in improved sustainability. This involves increased use of life cycle inventory and life cycle assessment to help guide the use of packaging which reduces the environmental impact and ecological footprint. Reduced, reused and correct packaging always comes when things get expensive, but this will be the trend of the future.

Plant-Based Diets

  Plant-Based Diets A plant-based diet is any diet that focuses around foods derived from plant sources. This can include fruit, vegetables, grains, pulses, legumes, nuts and meat substitutes such as soy products. People often have different interpretations of what ‘plant-based’ eating looks like. Some people still include small amounts of animal products such as meat and fish, while focusing mainly on vegetarian foods – this is referred to as a semi-vegetarian or  flexitarian diet . Plans that cut out meat but still include fish are referred to as  pescatarian diets . People who don’t eat meat or fish but still include dairy and eggs are referred to as  vegetarian , while those who cut out any animal derived products, including dairy, eggs, honey and gelatin are referred to as  vegan . People following plant-based diets and consuming a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and pulses are likely to find it easier to meet their  five-a-day target . Due to this, they are also likely to have

Personalized Marketing

  Personalized Marketing Personalized marketing, also known as one-to-one marketing or individual marketing, is a marketing strategy by which companies leverage data analysis and digital technology to deliver individualized messages and product offerings to current or prospective customers.  Ads can now be laster targeted and this will be the trend in the future rather than blanket advertising.


  Cannabis Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for medical or recreational purposes. Hospitals will start to treat patients with cannabis for - pain, stress, cancer and other targeted ailments.


  ECigarettes The growingly popular electronic cigarettes are one form of “ Electronic nicotine delivery systems ”, or “ENDS”. They use a heating element to heat a solution that is vaporized and then delivered to the user in the form of an  aerosol , which can be inhaled. The main constituents of this solution are propylene glycol and flavoring agents, in addition to nicotine, which is not always present. E-Cig will also be able to administer certain medicine and other products to promote health or cure certain ailments.

Halal Economy

  Halal Economy Halal  is the manner of producing goods and services that is syariah or Islamic-law compliant, including pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. ... It has been stated that food makes up about 60% of the  halal industry  which includes primary meat, processed goods, bakery food, and confectionary.

Cultured Meat

Cultured Meat Cultured Beef  is created by painlessly harvesting muscle cells from a living cow. ... It is biologically exactly the same as the  meat  tissue that comes from a cow. The cells grow into strands. 20,000 of these small strands of  meat  are then combined to create one normal sized hamburger.  

Vertical Farming

  Vertical Farming Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers. It often incorporates controlled-environment agriculture, which aims to optimize plant growth, and soilless farming techniques such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics. To combat food miles, energy, water etc.  Crops will be grown in cities which will be able to capture water, heat and will be delivered locally.  Spare spaces will be used or offices will be re-purposed to vertical farming.

Insect Protein

  Insect Protein Why  should we  use  insects  as food?  Insects  are great sources of nutrients with 80% protein by weight, and they have energy rich fat and micronutrients and minerals.  Eating insects  also provides more iron than beef, and provides a great source of iron to combat iron deficiency in people around the around the world.

Meat Tax

  Meat Tax M eat tax  is straightforward. ... A 2016 analysis of  meat taxes  worldwide found that levies of 40 percent on  beef , 20 percent on dairy products and 8.5 percent on chicken  would  save half a million lives a year and dramatically reduce climate warming emissions. This is a way to protect the planet and move away from making meat which uses lots of water and animal feed.  We will see a migration to farming of insects to produce protein and flours.

Experiential Retail

  Experiential Retail Generally it refers to a  store  in which stuff happens in addition to selling, and shoppers  do  things besides buying. The idea is that a  retailer  offers consumers a chance to buy an experience rather than just an object or service. To entice sales the retailers need to do much more.

Renting and Sharing Economy

  Renting and Sharing Economy The  sharing economy  is an economic model defined as a peer-to-peer (P2P) based activity of acquiring, providing, or  sharing  access to goods and services that is often facilitated by a community-based on-line platform. This will be catapulted due to cost of living crisis and need for recycle economy.  Companies will move from CAPEX to OPEX using assets as a service.

Digital Detox

Digital Detox A digital detox refers to a period of time when a person refrains from using tech devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media sites. “Detoxing” from digital devices is often seen as a way to focus on real-life social interactions without distractions. By forgoing digital devices, at least temporarily, people can let go of the stress that stems from constant connectivity.

Manufacturing / Construction Tech

  Manufacturing / Construction Tech Mobile Technology Drones Building Information Monitoring (BIM) Virtual Reality and Wearables 3D Printing Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing will be disrupted and we will have a decentralised approach.

Advanced Construction Materials

  Advanced Construction Materials Mass Timber. ... Self -Healing Materials. ... Air Cleaning Bricks. ... Strand Rods. ... Passive Cooling Ceramics. ... Trash. All materials going forward will be made with recycling and limiting waste.  The materials will have sensors and use nature to correctly function.

Localized manufacturing and micro-factories

  Localized manufacturing and micro-factories Microfactory is a small-to-medium scale, highly automated, and technologically advanced manufacturing setup, which has a wide range of process capabilities. Typically, it is a manufacturing facility whose output can be scaled up by replicating such setups in large numbers. Microfactory requires less energy, less material, and a small labor force, owing to the high-tech automated processes. The concept of microfactory also promotes the miniaturization of production equipment and systems according to the product dimension. This helps in reducing the size of the factory, which, in turn, needs less capital, as well as lowers operating expenses.


  Micromobility Micromobility refers to a range of small, lightweight vehicles operating at speeds typically below 25 km/h and driven by users personally. Micromobility devices include bicycles, Ebikes, electric scooters, electric skateboards, shared bicycles, and electric pedal assisted bicycles. 

Electric transportation

  Electric transportation electric bicycles electric folding bicycles electric motorcycles electric trikes (three wheel scooter) electric folding tricycles electric hoverboards and scooters with  handlebars electric kick scooters electric skateboards electric unicycles (eWheels) electric hoverboards electric single wheel skateboards electric rideable “laptop”

3D Printing

  3D Printing 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. 3D printing is used to print houses, drugs, organs and many other items

Wine regions changing

Regions that have been on the fringes of producing wine will likely continue their development in the industry – think places like   Canada   and   China . Others that are traditionally “frosted out” from wine-making (Japan, England, and Belgium) are also starting to successfully   dip their toes   into production. The  wine belt  (i.e., the world's suitable wine-producing regions) is shifting closer towards the poles. Other regions that already have cool climates and will likely benefit include: England & Germany Oregon, Washington & Canada Parts of Eastern Europe The Finger Lakes in New York state Tasmania, Australia

committing emissions across the wine industry

  The International Wineries For Climate Action (or   IWCAWINE   — a truly horrible acronym) is committed to committing emissions across the wine industry, through direct solutions that avoid purchasing   carbon offset credits . ​ Dealing with climate change means mitigation and adaptation, and  IWCAWINE  is the most well-known organization in the space. A bunch of huge wineries have gotten together and committed to producing zero carbon emissions by 2050. The prices wine drinkers pay Climate change doesn't just change the taste of wine –  it increases the cost . Improving infrastructure, dealing with pests, and relocating to higher ground can all be extremely costly. And these production costs are already being  passed onto us . Shorter harvesting periods are another massive problem. The harder a complex flavor profile is to recreate, the more expensive the wine will become. The wine industry faces a litany of  production constraints , exacerbated by supply chain & other issue

Google To Make RISC-V A Major Platform for Android

  Google To Make RISC-V A Major Platform for Android ELECTROPAGES Over the past year, almost every other story in the semiconductor field has involved RISC-V in some way, whether it is the inclusion of a RISC-V core in a commercial device, a standalone RISC-V processor, or software support for the architecture. But no matter what the story is, there is no denying that RISC-V has taken the engineering community by storm. When looking into the architecture and what it offers, it's no surprise that it has such a large following! Recently, Google announced that RISC-V will become a major platform supported by Android.

Stretchable Strain Sensor Used To Create New Wearable Blood Pressure Devices

  Stretchable Strain Sensor Used To Create New Wearable Blood Pressure Devices HOSPIMEDICA When it comes to wearable medical devices, the inherent inflexibility of modern electronics makes it difficult to create comfortable wearable devices. Worse, devices and sensors that need to flex can often deteriorate due to fatigue, and this limits their sensing capabilities. Recognising the challenges faced with strain sensors, a team of researchers have recently developed a strain sensor that can withstand significant deformation, and this has been used to detect blood pressure.

Automation Is At A Tipping Point

  Automation Is At A Tipping Point CHIEFEXECUTIVE As technology continues to progress, the use of automation in both software and hardware is also growing. In fact, it is believed that in the coming years, all businesses worldwide will need to move towards automation so as not to fall behind. This may introduce challenges for smaller businesses where integrating automation is difficult. In this article published by chiefexecutive, learn about how automation is being used, how robotics factors into the mix, and what collaborative robots are.

These Robots Crawl All Over Wind Turbines So Humans Don't Have To

  These Robots Crawl All Over Wind Turbines So Humans Don't Have To ELECTREK Wind turbines are one of the few renewable energy sources that show real promise in moving away from fossil fuels. However, as simple as wind turbines may be, they are subjected to numerous challenges, including blade degradation and damage, and as such, require frequent maintenance. Recognising the dangers posed to humans during maintenance, Aerones has recently demonstrated a new robotic system that is capable of monitoring and repairing damage on blades without the need for humans.

AI Legal Assistant Will Help Defendant Fight A Speeding Case In Court

  AI Legal Assistant Will Help Defendant Fight A Speeding Case In Court NEWSCIENTIST Getting into legal trouble not only causes those involved a great deal of stress and worry, but the financial burden can be immense. Because of this financial burden, many companies take advantage of this barrier by making unfair contracts and payment clauses that are difficult to get out of. While a good lawyer can fight these off, the legal cost is far greater than just paying the company what they have asked for. Now, a new service called DoNotPay is set to test its AI lawyer in court to fight a speeding fine, and the cost of the AI is a fraction of what a traditional lawyer would charge.

New RaaS Service For Any Robotics OEM

ARO Launches New RaaS Service For Any Robotics OEM THEROBOTREPORT Robotics undoubtedly play a critical role in modern life thanks to their ability to perform repetitive tasks with great efficiency. However, their high degree of engineering and complexity makes them expensive to produce and maintain, which often keeps robotic systems out of reach for many businesses. An emerging concept that aims to solve this, called Robotics As A Service (Raas), provides robotic systems as a service instead of ownership transfer, meaning that the consumer only needs to pay a flat rate based on hours used. Now, ARO has announced its new RaaS service that will be available for any robotics OEM, hoping to bring robotic systems to more customers. What challenges do robotics introduce, what is RaaS, and how will ARO help integrate robotics into more applications?  

Stellantis To Build U.S. Firm Archer's Air Taxi

  Stellantis To Build U.S. Firm Archer's Air Taxi REUTERS While many have dreamed of flying taxis capable of beating everyday traffic, no such systems currently exist. Of course, private helicopters can be used for rapid transport, but they are often limited to where they can land, and their high price makes them only suitable for the most wealthy. However, one company, Archer Aviation, plans to change this with the introduction of their own vertical take-off taxi vehicles, and a recent business investment will help the company produce 2,300 units annually.

Future Trends ideas

While no one knows exactly what will unfold this year—think about how radically different the world looked at the end of 2022 versus the start—it’s always fun to read through some educated guesses. To wit:  Here’s a quick reading list on tech trends to watch in 2023: The Washington Post’s tech trends to watch NIST looks ahead to transformative manufacturing tech in 2023 The tech that will “change your life” in 2023, at least according to the WSJ And here’s the tech that will…“invade our lives” in 2023, according to the NYT TheNextWeb lays out what to expect for AI in 2023 And if you want to give yourself a refresher on what happened last year,  click here to read our 2022 year-in-review piece .— DM

Battery Technology

  Battery Technology NanoBolt  lithium  tungsten batteries. Zinc -manganese oxide batteries. Organosilicon electrolyte batteries. Gold nanowire gel electrolyte batteries. TankTwo String Cell™ batteries. Battery technology will evolve to allow a distance before charging to move out to at least 500 miles.

Textile and fabric innovation

  Textile and fabric innovation Bananas, coffee, pineapple, lotus, stinging nettles and hemp - what sounds like the ingredients on an exotic shopping list are actually all natural resources that can be turned into sustainable textiles. Textiles will change dramatically where they will be made to stop infection and resist smells.  They will also have thin electronics to monitor the wearer for any issues with heart rate or contents of the sweat discharged.

Connected Industrial Worker

  Connected Industrial Worker A connected worker is any person whose working life is changing due to digital and other technologies. The business services sector has been suffering from poor productivity growth in recent years, and while companies in the sector operate in different ways, they all employ a large number of people to carry out often labour-intensive, manual tasks. Due to geospatial technology, digital imagining and other technology the industrial worker will be super efficient.

Housing 2.0

  Housing 2.0 The Housing 2.0 program will empower building professionals—with a special focus on production builders—to  design and construct higher performance, healthier, more sustainable homes at a fraction of the cost. New materials and cement printing will make accommodation in the future which will cope with humidity and temperatures.  It will also offer the cheapest ways to keep warm and chilled depending on the time of year.

Space Travel, Mining etc

  Space Travel, Mining etc Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. While the exploration of space is carried out mainly by astronomers with telescopes, its physical exploration though is conducted both by unmanned robotic space probes and human spaceflight. Asteroid mining is the exploitation of raw materials from asteroids and other minor planets, including near-Earth objects. Hard rock minerals could theoretically be mined from an asteroid or a spent comet. We will run out of the resources that we require and mine them from Space, this will in the long run be cost effective.

Autonomous Vehicles

  Autonomous Vehicles A self-driving car, also known as an autonomous vehicle, driverless car, or robo-car is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input. Vehicles will displace drivers and a 100% driverless model will make the roads safe.  We will also have driverless VTOL and other modes of transport in the next 15 years.

Commercial Drones

  Commercial Drones Commercial Drones : Industries that Use  Drones , Deliverables, and Our List of the Top Models on the Market.  Commercial drones  are being used across various industries to help companies save money, improve safety, and enhance the efficiency of their operations. Commercial Drones will track footfall, deliveries and customers habits.  They will also track individuals who thief or cause anti-social behaviour. 

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

  Hydrogen Fuel Cells Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. Almost all of our chemical fuels are based on hydrogen, although in a bound form as hydrocarbons or other hydrogen compounds. To limit climate change caused by the global increase in CO 2  emissions, solutions must be found for generating carbon­neutral and, therefore, sustainable fuels. This requires, among other things, that hydrogen is produced using renewable energy sources. Hydrogen or Ammonia (hydrogen by product) will dominate over Electric in the next 5-10 years.

Overseas Infrastructure Investment

  Overseas Infrastructure Investment social infrastructure funds operating facilities such as hospitals, schools, prisons and garrisons a s well as toll roads; and renewable energy funds running wind and solar farms and green energy storage systems. Massive underinvestment in infrastructure will see a decade long approach to get this done correctly as its the right thing to do but mainly to combat climate change and also meet government agreed targets.

High Speed Rail

  High Speed Rail High-speed rail  ( HSR ) is a type of rail transport that runs significantly faster than traditional rail traffic, using an integrated system of specialized  rolling stock  and dedicated tracks. While there is no single standard that applies worldwide, new lines in excess of 250 kilometres per hour (160 mph) and existing lines in excess of 200 kilometres per hour (120 mph) are widely considered to be high-speed. Current trains will be updated shortly to cope with these kinds of speeds.

Share Mobility

  Share Mobility   Shared transport  or  shared mobility  is a term for describing a demand-driven vehicle-sharing arrangement, in which travelers share a vehicle either simultaneously as a group (e.g. ride-sharing) or over time (e.g. carsharing or bike sharing) as personal rental, and in the process share the cost of the journey, thus creating a hybrid between private vehicle use and mass or  public transport . As the cost of getting around in the future car sharing will become a first choice in the future.


  HyperLoop The Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. We will see this technology in the next 25 year and it will get up to 500 miles per hour but limited to distances under 1000 miles.

Supersonic travel

  Supersonic travel Then in 1973, the FAA  banned  overland  supersonic  commercial  flights  because of sonic booms—a prohibition that remains in effect today. NASA and a team led by Lockheed Martin are making advances that bring the goal of quiet  supersonic  commercial travel over land closer to reality. We will be able to travel at supersonic speeds on or under the ground or water at up to 3000 miles per hour using new technologies.


  eSports Esports is a form of sport competition using video games. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. Esports will take over TV coverage in the future with all events able to be betted on.