Quantified Society - crime, disease, ignorance, poverty


Quantified Society - crime, disease, ignorance, poverty

What is the quantified society? The quantified society describes the widespread collection of information—or big data—about individuals, groups, and even whole societies, and the use of that information by public and private actors to make inferences and decisions about many aspects of our lives.

To fight crime every person living person will be submitted to a detailed biometric data request - a blood sample for genetic sequencing, an ultra-high-resolution 3D scan of the head, a three-minute speech sample, three minutes of a video walking, talking, typing on a phone or keyboard, 500-word handwriting sample on a political and historical topic, 3D recording of you walking, running, climbing stairs and performing a series of simple tasks with your hands and feet.  Together with fingerprints, footprints, and high-resolution pictures of arms, hands, feet, teeth, and any special marks on the body or special devices used.

Criminals are subjected to further studies which include microbiome samples, bone biopsy to track past environmental exposures, detailed biographical data surveys, psychological questionnaires, and interviews with friends, relatives and teachers.

To fight disease randomly selected families will be required to submit biological samples such as blood, saliva, hair, skin, stool, urine, and microbiome samples.  Home and workplaces also will have samples captured for analysis. Psychological and sociological and life satisfaction questionnaires, cognitive tests, physical condition tests and medical imaging will be carried out.  Remote monitoring of movement, sleep patterns, social interactions, body temperature, heart rate, and blood monitoring.

All payments will be electronic where weekly spending, assets, savings and accrued liabilities and offer warnings, suggestions and maybe limit what you can do if the government deems otherwise.

We will be monitored and if we show signs that are negative to the state we will be restricted on who we see, what we do, what we eat and any other aspect of life.


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